Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Google Owned The French, Big Time!

Google has been such an increadible search engine and has been playing such a significant role in the our everyday life. Googles is practically everywhere - its search engine, Youtube, Gmail, Google Maps, Chrome, Picassa, Google Ads, and it's even on your phone now (not forgetting that this Blog is powered by Google, too)!

Google search is powerful. So powerful that it gives you the answers to your quiries in split seconds - accurately.

Well, quite accurately. Take a look at the image below. We typed "french military victories" and guess what showed up!

Google reckons that the French never had any military victories! We think that Google totally forgot about the existance of Napoleon Bonaparte in the French history! Guess how do the French feel about this? Being Owned by Google ain't funny!

Now take a look at the second picture below.

Here it is - Google Suggestion Fail! I mean, "Google Is Making Us Stupid", "Google Is Crap"..., fine, but "Google Is Skynet"? What the heck?

And guess what, we've got more!

And now Google is racist too! This is classic ownage!