Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kim Jung Il

Who is this? Well, to those who don't know much about Kim Jung Il, he's the de facto leader of North Korea.
He always believed deep in his heart that North Korea is BEST Korea.

But it didn't seem that convincing... to us.

"Oops!... now, you didn't see that aerial picture of North Korea!"
Anyways, he has this fetish for bombs... especially those that goes out with a big bang...

Yeah, that's the one, his all time favorite, the atomic bomb.

He always aspired to be the best and had a long term goal of united both Koreas - under his reign that is. And wouldn't mind sending a personal gift to South Korea's president Lee Myung Bak should there's a need.

"I'm coming bitch!"

Though he might sound like a dictator, he's still a human. Not yet a robot though... hence, at times he'll fall 'il'l...

Whenever he's feeling ok, and has some free time in his hands, he'll be chilling at the comfort of his abode while downing some beers - naked.

"Oh shit... is that camera on?"

A note to South Korea, dun piss him off....


"Listen to the boss or die! No one is left out - even the cats."


"AnNyeongHi GaSeYo... Bitches"

"Em... spectacular!"

"Hmm.... should make myself a poster for that launch!"

"Much better! North Korea is BEST Korea!"

"*Coughs* Erm... guess i din see that..."

*This is made purely for laughs only... no pun intended...*

From China to New York- Google Fail, Again!

Google Maps shows that we no longer need to take aeroplanes to take us from China to New York City! How exciting huh! All you have to do is, kayak across the North Pacific Ocean and find your way to North America!
Prepare your kayak, prepare your gears, get ready, buy some insurance and good luck!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

CD Title Fail

We were checking out some CD's in a store called Movie Magic at 1 Utama the other day and guess wat we saw?

OMGeeee! How could they spell "Beyond" as "BeyonG"?

This should be the spelling!

And it ain't cheap ok?

This CD Title is officially...


Ownage Sundays: Compilation of Owned!

It's time for Ownage Sundays again and we've found this compilation of some of the greatest "Owned"  videos. It's kinda long but I guess it's worth watching.

The last video (which should start around 2.45 min) is classic. We've never seen anything like that before!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Job Listing Fail

Are you looking for a multi-talented employee? Someone in Singapore is looking for a designer cum marketing executive cum bartender/ waitress. How many cum do you actually want?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Man Forced to Eat His Beard

This is funny. It's in the U.S national news and it's known world wide by now. A man by the name of Harley Westmoreland was apparently forced by two men who cut his beard and force it down his throat. Man, this society is getting sicker and sicker. The best part is, it all started from a dispute over control of a lawnmower. WTH??

Full scoop on Yahoo News or just click on the link below.

There a news on it too! Check it out!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Exclusive: New Fountain Bridge Proposed at Johor- Singapore Causeway

The Malaysian government has recently announced an exciting program for the old Johor- Singapore Causeway as an effort to revamp the aging causeway!

The newly established Jabatan Jambatan- Jambatan Malaysia (JAMBAN) which is assigned to undertake the program didn't disappoint us. In fact, they revealed their proposed design for the causeway - the New Fountain Bridge, an (not so) original concept of installing fountains throughout the bridge!

Proposed Water Fountain Bridge

The idea is to install water fountain along the bridge and when you drive from one end to the other, you'll be entertained by the movements of water splashing out, in time with colorful LEDs that would add more elements to the bridge.

JAMBAN's design is believed to be able to bring (even more) congestion traffic to the existing Johor- Singapore Causeway and thus boosting tourism to the bridge country. There's also plan to build more tolls to collect more money from tourists for causeway maintenance and the possibility to build a second identical bridge. However, JAMBAN denied any link to the Banpo bridge in Seoul, Korea when asked of the originality of the idea.

Banpo (Original) Bridge in Seoul, Korea